all postcodes in ME16 / MAIDSTONE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME16 8AA 9 0 51.273479 0.512784
ME16 8AB 33 0 51.269835 0.499811
ME16 8AD 15 0 51.270169 0.502295
ME16 8AE 5 4 51.271376 0.49674
ME16 8AF 13 0 51.270179 0.504747
ME16 8AG 1 1 51.271232 0.49798
ME16 8AH 1 1 51.269409 0.497881
ME16 8AJ 4 0 51.270467 0.503487
ME16 8AL 12 0 51.270853 0.503551
ME16 8AN 3 0 51.268659 0.497209
ME16 8AP 3 0 51.270642 0.505403
ME16 8AQ 1 1 51.270386 0.49465
ME16 8AR 7 0 51.270957 0.506237
ME16 8AS 28 0 51.271638 0.5055
ME16 8AT 18 2 51.271528 0.504777
ME16 8AU 42 6 51.273866 0.506066
ME16 8AX 28 3 51.273704 0.506874
ME16 8AY 7 0 51.273504 0.507423
ME16 8BA 45 0 51.272029 0.50697
ME16 8BB 48 0 51.272744 0.508442